Drama Diaries – Covering the latest online drama

Terms and Conditions

General Terms and Conditions for the Drama Diaries Website with Google AdSense

1. Definitions

1.1. Drama Diaries Website: Refers to the website where articles are posted under the name “Drama Diaries” and where Google AdSense is used to generate revenue.

1.2. User: Any natural person or legal entity who visits the Drama Diaries Website and/or uses the offered services.

1.3. Articles: Informative and/or entertaining content published on the Drama Diaries Website.

1.4. Google AdSense: Google’s advertising program used to display ads on the Drama Diaries Website.

2. Access and Use of the Drama Diaries Website

2.1. Access to and use of the Drama Diaries Website are subject to these General Terms and Conditions.

2.2. Users must comply with applicable laws and regulations when visiting and using the Drama Diaries Website.

2.3. Users must register to submit articles for publication on the Drama Diaries Website.

3. Intellectual Property Rights

3.1. All intellectual property rights regarding the Drama Diaries Website, including but not limited to texts, images, videos, and design, remain the property of the operator of the Drama Diaries Website.

3.2. Users may not copy, reproduce, distribute, or use the content of the Drama Diaries Website in any way without prior written consent from the operator.

4. Posted Articles

4.1. The operator of the Drama Diaries Website reserves the right to modify, remove, or adapt posted articles without prior notice.

4.2. Users submitting articles for publication on the Drama Diaries Website grant the operator a royalty-free license to use, modify, publish, and distribute the submitted content.

5. Google AdSense

5.1. The Drama Diaries Website uses Google AdSense to display advertisements.

5.2. Users acknowledge that they may see advertisements on the Drama Diaries Website and agree that the operator is not responsible for the content of these advertisements.

6. Liability

6.1. The operator of the Drama Diaries Website shall not be liable for damages resulting from the use of the Drama Diaries Website.

6.2. Users are responsible for the consequences of their activities on the Drama Diaries Website.

7. Content Guidelines

7.1. Posted articles on the Drama Diaries Website must be respectful, truthful, and non-offensive.

7.2. The operator reserves the right to refuse articles that do not comply with the content guidelines.

8. Changes to the General Terms and Conditions

8.1. The operator reserves the right to change these General Terms and Conditions at any time. Revised terms are effective upon publication on the Drama Diaries Website.

9. Final Provisions

9.1. Dutch law applies to these General Terms and Conditions.

9.2. Disputes arising out of or relating to these General Terms and Conditions shall be submitted to the competent court in the Netherlands.

By visiting and using the Drama Diaries Website, the user agrees to these General Terms and Conditions.