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Elephant escapes circus in Montana: chaos on the streets

Residents of Butte, Montana, got more than they bargained for during their morning commute on Tuesday (April 16) when a surprising sight greeted them: an elephant casually strolling down the road. The unexpected escapade unfolded as the 58-year-old Asian elephant, named Viola, made her way through traffic, parking lots, and even someone’s front lawn.


A circus elephant caused a traffic jam in Montana yesterday after it escaped. A passing car backfired and spooked the elephant into fleeing through the streets before being returned to its handlers. 🎥Brittany McGinnis via Storyful #escape #elephant #circus #traffic #animal #montana #butte #elephants

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A bizarre encounter

In footage captured by bystanders, the massive mammal can be seen ambling across the road, drawing disbelief from onlookers. Brittany McGinnis, one of the locals who filmed the incident, captured the surreal moment, exclaiming, “A f****** elephant is walking down the road. Only in Butte. A circus elephant got loose.”

The Great Escape

Viola’s unplanned excursion occurred while she was being washed by her trainers in a parking lot ahead of a scheduled performance. Seizing an opportunity, the elephant made a dash for freedom, wandering through the city streets. Fortunately, the circus handlers swiftly intervened, calmly guiding Viola back to safety within ten minutes.


Potential Risks and Criticism

While the escapade ended without property damage or injuries, the incident drew criticism from animal welfare organizations. The Performing Animal Welfare Society (PAWS) and People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) condemned the use of elephants in circuses, citing concerns about their well-being and public safety.

Despite the brief moment of chaos, the situation was quickly resolved, and Viola was returned to the care of her handlers. However, the incident serves as a reminder of the complex ethical and safety considerations surrounding the use of animals in entertainment.